Hi, I'm Kristen Lauber-Safarov, the woman behind KLS Creative. Art has always been in my blood, but I began my love affair with photography in high school. I earned my bachelors in commercial photography at one of the world's most prestigious photography colleges, however the biggest lessons came over the following decade and a half as I worked on sets alongside some of the most revered celebrity and fashion photographers in LA.
I wore so many different hats through that time : photo assistant, lighting technician, wardrobe stylist, creative director, graphic designer, but most frequently of all, I was lead retoucher. For the last 18 years I have had the final hand on images of the biggest icons of our time, from Beyonce to Jlo, Rhianna to Celine Dion and many others in between.
Priorities shifted within me after having children and moving from LA back to Cleveland, and I wondered to myself.....Why should only movie stars, models, and musicians be the ones to have iconic magazine worthy images of themselves? Why shouldn't "everyday" people have the experience of a custom designed photoshoot production with all the bells a whistles. I am so excited to provide you this transformative experience, to show you yourself in ways you've never seen before , and make iconic art for you and the ones you love in the process.